Goal Setting: Part 2

Setting Your Goal + Creating a Plan

Last week we asked a few questions to orient ourselves towards a meaningful goal. This week, we learn about the characteristics of well formed goals and lay out an itinerary!

SMART Planning

Considering your answers from last week, let’s narrow in on a big picture goal.

There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to your goals, but there are a few qualities that will make your goal more impactful. We use the acronym SMART.

Specific: Pick ONE skill, exercise, event, objective, or characteristic to focus on 

Measurable: There should be a way to measure progress and completion 

Attainable/Actionable: Pick something that you have the power and resources to affect

Relevant: Your goal should be something you care about, that can directly apply to your activity

Timely: Pick a schedule for when you will check in on progress and a deadline for completion

For Example….  

My Goal Idea: I want to work on staying focused on my progress and avoid comparing myself to others.

Specific: When I catch myself in comparison mode, I will say to myself, “NOT NOW” and shift my focus to the feeling of my feet on the ground.

Measurable: For 3 weeks I will  make a note at the end of the day of times when I successfully shifted my focus or if not, what got in my way.

Attainable/Actionable: I will take 1-5 minutes every day for 3 weeks and reflect on whether I’m in comparison mode.  I will be kind to myself.

Relevant: Focusing on me will help me be more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.  It will give me the power to take care of myself and choose more wisely, when in comparison mode. 

Timely: In 3 weeks time I will review my daily entries with the goal of having improved at successfully shifting my focus by at least 50%

Try it out with your own goal! Download the Part 2 worksheet here!

Programming Your GPS 

Now that you have a destination and a route, it’s time to begin the journey. It is important to check in as you go, to make sure that you are still headed in the right direction. Stick your goal somewhere you will be reminded of it often. Write your goal down on a sticky note, add a reminder in your phone, stick a picture to your door way, anything to keep it near the front of your mind. Add the due date for each checkpoint and your Big Picture Goal to your calendar.

Stay tuned for more in Part 3 next week!


Goal Setting: Part 3


Goal Setting: Part 1